tap-db2 (airbyte variant)🥈

IBM Db2 Relational Database

The tap-db2 extractor pulls data from IBM Db2 that can then be sent to a destination using a loader.

Airbyte Usage Notice

This connector uses tap-airbyte-wrapper to call the underlying Airbyte source Docker container. This means you must have Docker installed and running prior to usage. We also recommend using Meltano version 2.13.0 or later.

Container-based connectors can introduce deployment challenges including the potential need to run Docker-in-Docker (not currently supported by services like AWS ECS, Meltano Cloud, etc. see FAQ and Airbyte's ECS deployment docs for more details). Before using this variant we recommend considering if/how you will be able to deploy container-based connectors to production.

For more context on how this Airbyte integration works please checkout out the FAQ in the Meltano Docs.

Alternate Implementations

Getting Started


If you haven't already, follow the initial steps of the Getting Started guide:

  1. Install Meltano
  2. Create your Meltano project

Installation and configuration

  1. Add the tap-db2 extractor to your project using
    meltano add
  2. meltano add extractor tap-db2 --variant airbyte
  3. Configure the tap-db2 settings using
    meltano config
  4. meltano config tap-db2 set --interactive
  5. Test that extractor settings are valid using
    meltano config
  6. meltano config tap-db2 test

Next steps

If you run into any issues, learn how to get help.


The current capabilities for tap-db2 may have been automatically set when originally added to the Hub. Please review the capabilities when using this extractor. If you find they are out of date, please consider updating them by making a pull request to the YAML file that defines the capabilities for this extractor.

This plugin has the following capabilities:

  • about
  • catalog
  • discover
  • schema-flattening
  • state
  • stream-maps

You can override these capabilities or specify additional ones in your meltano.yml by adding the capabilities key.


The tap-db2 settings that are known to Meltano are documented below. To quickly find the setting you're looking for, click on any setting name from the list:

You can also list these settings using

meltano config
with the list subcommand:

meltano config tap-db2 list

You can override these settings or specify additional ones in your meltano.yml by adding the settings key.

Please consider adding any settings you have defined locally to this definition on MeltanoHub by making a pull request to the YAML file that defines the settings for this plugin.

Airbyte Config Db (airbyte_config.db)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_AIRBYTE_CONFIG_DB

Name of the database.

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_config db [value]

Airbyte Config Encryption Encryption Method (airbyte_config.encryption.encryption_method)


unencrypted, encrypted_verify_certificate

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_config encryption.encryption_method [value]

Airbyte Config Encryption Key Store Password (airbyte_config.encryption.key_store_password)


Key Store Password

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_config encryption.key_store_password [value]

Airbyte Config Encryption Ssl Certificate (airbyte_config.encryption.ssl_certificate)


Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) files are concatenated certificate containers frequently used in certificate installations

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_config encryption.ssl_certificate [value]

Airbyte Config Host (

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_AIRBYTE_CONFIG_HOST

Host of the Db2.

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_config host [value]

Airbyte Config Jdbc Url Params (airbyte_config.jdbc_url_params)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_AIRBYTE_CONFIG_JDBC_URL_PARAMS

Additional properties to pass to the JDBC URL string when connecting to the database formatted as 'key=value' pairs separated by the symbol '&'. (example: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3).

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_config jdbc_url_params [value]

Airbyte Config Password (airbyte_config.password)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_AIRBYTE_CONFIG_PASSWORD

Password associated with the username.

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_config password [value]

Airbyte Config Port (airbyte_config.port)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_AIRBYTE_CONFIG_PORT

Port of the database.

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_config port [value]

Airbyte Config Username (airbyte_config.username)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_AIRBYTE_CONFIG_USERNAME

Username to use to access the database.

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_config username [value]

Airbyte Spec Image (airbyte_spec.image)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_AIRBYTE_SPEC_IMAGE
  • Default Value: airbyte/source-db2

Airbyte image to run

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_spec image [value]

Airbyte Spec Tag (airbyte_spec.tag)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_AIRBYTE_SPEC_TAG
  • Default Value: latest

Airbyte image tag

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set airbyte_spec tag [value]

Docker Mounts (docker_mounts)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_DOCKER_MOUNTS

Docker mounts to make available to the Airbyte container. Expects a list of maps containing source, target, and type as is documented in the docker --mount documentation

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set docker_mounts [value]
Expand To Show SDK Settings

Flattening Enabled (flattening_enabled)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_FLATTENING_ENABLED

'True' to enable schema flattening and automatically expand nested properties.

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set flattening_enabled [value]

Flattening Max Depth (flattening_max_depth)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_FLATTENING_MAX_DEPTH

The max depth to flatten schemas.

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set flattening_max_depth [value]

Stream Map Config (stream_map_config)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_STREAM_MAP_CONFIG

User-defined config values to be used within map expressions.

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set stream_map_config [value]

Stream Maps (stream_maps)

  • Environment variable: TAP_DB2_STREAM_MAPS

Config object for stream maps capability. For more information check out Stream Maps.

Configure this setting directly using the following Meltano command:

meltano config tap-db2 set stream_maps [value]

Something missing?

This page is generated from a YAML file that you can contribute changes to.

Edit it on GitHub!

Looking for help?

If you're having trouble getting the tap-db2 extractor to work, read the Airbyte connector FAQ, look for an existing issue in the Airbyte repository, file a new issue, or join the Meltano Slack community and ask for help in the


meltano add extractor tap-db2 --variant airbyte

Maintenance Status

  • Maintenance Status
  • Built with the Meltano SDK
  • Based on an Airbyte Connector

  • Last Commit Date
  • License


  • Airbyte

Meltano Stats

  • Projects (Last 3 Months)


  • airbyte_protocolmeltano_sdk